Make sure you check the user manual of your monitor to check if your model comes with. I slow my connection down to have a higher ping, I use slower hardware, I don't tape up my monitor when playing in BF3 hardcore mode because I like leveling the playing field when online. Some Asus models with GamePlus actually give you a selection of different crosshair overlays to choose from. You will see the progress of the file transfer. 2) Click the 'Start Upload' button to start uploading the file. You can then select photos, audio, video, documents or anything else you want to send. There are those who play fairly with others and those who do not Benefits of using Zippyshare: 1) Select a file to send by clicking the 'Browse' button. I guess other players using faster hardware then yourself gets you all bent out of shape as well? It's just a game, no need to get your panties all in a bunch just because someone has a slight advantage over you.

The crosshair is available to the public, only problem is you gotta buy a new monitor. I simply put a crosshair image on my screen over my game while I play and I get a persistent crosshair. It may be unfair but it's not cheating at all. It's a program that overlays a logo onto your screen with lots of customization options. All About Gaming Monitors with Crosshair Overlay. If playing in-game with others where a crosshair is -designed- not to be present, use of one is a blatant cheat -period. There are no excuses or explanations to be made. Its not about getting caught, its about cheating when playing in multiplayer games with othersĮither you Cheat or you dont Dont. If you cannot recognise that difference, you should not play multiplayer games with others. >This gives you a advantage and is of course cheating. It -is- of course cheating if YOU have a crosshair (for whatever reason) in BF3 hardcore mode, as there is NOT supposed to be one. Aiming is the core of games that use guns, and if you can’t tell exactly where your mouse is, then you have a higher chance of missing your shot. There are those who cheat, and those that do not. Gaming monitors with crosshair overlay can help, as the worst thing a gamer can experience during a game other than lag is an inconsistent aim.
Using a monitors OSD to display a crosshair will NOT get you banned, as the crosshair is not modifying the game code at all.

What the OP is talking about is NOT cheating. If used, a cheating ban would be warranted This is fine for single player games, but doing -anything- that gives you an advantage and is not available to other players in Multiplayer games is considered blatant and intentional cheating and should never be done.
Use of external software to run a crosshair is of course, cheating if running a game that does not have one (like BF3 hardcore mode)